An interview with Jack Jennings by Jeff Glebocki, Founder & Lead Advisor, Strategy + Action/Philanthropy Originally posted at Strategy + Action/Philanthropy In his new book, “Fatigued by School Reform,” Jack Jennings calls out policy makers, funders and the school...
Jack Jennings
Jack Jennings’s new book, Fatigued by School Reform, available now!
Fatigued by School Reform, by Jack Jennings After a half-a-century of school reform, a majority of Americans consider the public schools as worse today than when they attended school. Those reforms missed the mark because they were not focused on the...
Japanese Translation
Politics of American Education Reform: 50-Year Struggle in Search of Equity is the title of the Japanese translation of Presidents, Congress, and the Public Schools with additional content to bring the book up to date for the time of its publishing. In November 2018,...
National Assessment of Educational Progress
The only valid national assessment of the nation’s public schools must be improved.
It’s time to redefine the federal role in K-12 education
The current federal education law rests on the same faulty foundation as the last law.
“Dirty” Politics
If politics is considered foul, what kind of people are going to go into it?
tolerance is necessary for a democracy
Trump’s Plan for Education Fails Smell Test
When I worked on Capitol Hill, the congressmen and congresswomen would say that they used a “smell test” to determine the real purpose of a proposal. This meant that they looked beyond the words used to justify an idea and considered such factors as the record of the proposing organization or individual.
Why are teachers angry?
Insultingly low wages for many, more students needing extra assistance, and great pressure to raise student test scores and graduation rates. Meanwhile, politicians orate about the importance of education....
Better education will come when the emphasis is on real factors such as teacher quality
DC's public schools' progress is tainted by some phony "improvement" due to enormous pressure to produce higher graduation rates and test scores. Better education will come when the emphasis is on real factors such as teacher quality....
Teachers’ views have not been heeded
Teachers' views have not been accorded the weight they deserve in seeking school improvement. Just the opposite--teachers have been unfairly blamed for the lack of progress. Listen to John Thompson for some realism from the classroom....
State and national leaders given a grade of D minus by Ed Week
State and national leaders were given a grade of D minus by Ed Week showing a lack of commitment to adequately fund the schools, despite rhetoric about education's importance. "Watch what someone does--not what they say," to see their real beliefs. Quality Counts...
Washington insider shares experiences in education, politics
Read the story here!
Advice for Democrats
To win elections, it is helpful to have a disliked opponent. People are more motivated to vote against someone than they are to vote for someone, according to an old adage. The dreams of Democrats to have such opponents could not be better fulfilled than to...
How to Help the Rich, Harm the Schools, and Reap Political Revenge
Many children’s education will be jeopardized, the rich will pay less in taxes, and political revenge will be reaped. The new congressional tax bill is a disaster waiting to happen.
Hope from the Young
High school debaters learn about issues and also about democracy. For the school year 2017-18, two recommended topics are based on a book by Jack Jennings.
A Reminder
Yesterday, as usual, we talked now and again about President Trump and politics. As much as we try to avoid the topic, it sharply intrudes into our daily lives. We voted against Trump, and are upset about the direction that the country is taking. Living in Washington,...
Tolerance and Respect: Victims of Politics
Tolerance of other points of view and respect for others as fellow citizens must be a conscious goal.
Eulogy for Thomas Wolanin
I am honored to be part of this celebration of the life of Tom Wolanin. Donna, Andrew, Peter and other members of the family, you have the sympathy of everyone in this room. All of us knew Tom during his long career. We admired his talents. And, today, we salute him...
Trump’s Wrong About the Schools
“(A)n education system flush with cash but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge.” President Trump broadcast this biting condemnation in his inaugural address. A short time later, Trump proposed cutting education spending by 13%....
Why Continue an Old Assessment?
The academic achievement of elementary and secondary students from the 1970s through to the current decade is shown through the unique Long-term Trend Assessments, but the usefulness of that trend line measurement is imperiled by a proposed delay of 12 years until its next administration. This paper argues for greater support for this assessment.
A Military Solution for Education
If the U.S. were to value education as much as military activities, the schools would be better funded.
A Military Solution for Education: Memorandum on Methodology
This memorandum explains the methodology used to determine the total amount spent for primary and secondary education by the nations of the world. It also explains how much U.S. expenditures would have to increase to reach a third of that total.
A Washington Post Interview with Jack Jennings on Education Policy
In this interview, Jack Jennings comments on the new U.S. Secretary of Education and the national role in education.
Don’t Privatize Education
President Trump is violating his pledge to respect state and local control of education by proposing to shift funds from regular public schools to charter schools and private schools.