Fatigued by School Reform: Presentation to the Alliance for Educational Impact, June 8, 2021, by Jack Jennings

On June 8th, 2021, the Alliance for Educational Impact sponsored a discussion of Fatigued by School Reform, Jack Jennings’ latest book. Participants included local school superintendents, school improvement providers, members of state boards of education, university professors, and others.

Jack Jennings summarized the book and then engaged in discussions with participants about the events and ideas that appear in the book. Joe Scherer of AEI emceed the meeting and led the discussion.

Jennings, who has participated in several Zoom meetings about his book, calls this particular event “A Presentation through my Forehead,” since he forgot to properly adjust the angle of the computer screen to cover his whole face.

The audio/video and supporting documents follow:

Fatigued by School Reform: Presentation to the Alliance for Educational Impact, June 8, 2021, by Jack Jennings

Presentation to the Alliance for Educational Impact, June 8, 2021 (Powerpoint)

Fatigued By School Reform: Background Information for the Book (Powerpoint)